Monday, May 11, 2020

Fiorito Interior Design Is Open!

Greetings clients past, current, and future!

While these last eight weeks have been an undeniably difficult time in our world, some things are still here, like the need for a comfortable, welcoming home in which to Shelter-In-Place. I've been hearing a lot of stories of people who are, for the first time, truly experiencing their homes and realizing they want it to be something cocooning, inspiring, and beautiful. Especially with the prospect of continuing extended periods at home (some models predict the virus' return in the fall), people are wanting to be engaged in their home in a more meaningful way.

And now that some restrictions are lifting and we are venturing out into the world once again, I am still here to help you achieve that goal while keeping aware of physical distance and our safety. None of us really knows what the next steps are, and retail--and especially our industry--is still making adjustments. But despite some supply chain delays, I am designing and successfully executing remodels and projects. It takes some creativity and patience as we all maneuver this new paradigm, but if you are yearning for an upgrade, facelift, or remodel of any space in your home, please contact me. I can help.

Stay safe and happy designing!

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